During Louisiana succession proceedings, the family members of someone who has died often have to wait months to receive their inheritances. Typically, the personal representative overseeing the succession process must fulfill any tax obligations and debts owed by the...
Estate Planning
Adult kids may struggle to address parents’ end-of-life planning
Conversations about end-of-life planning are among the most difficult discussions families can have. While these discussions are crucial for helping to ensure a parent’s wishes are respected, adult children often find them emotionally challenging and tend to avoid...
3 reasons why leaving a direct inheritance could be a mistake
Some people don't bother to create estate plans. In failing to make these efforts, they ultimately leave their loved ones at the mercy of the Louisiana succession courts and state statutes. Those who do create estate plans are sometimes overly simplistic when doing...
What are revocable and irrevocable trusts?
All adults should have a comprehensive estate plan in place that accurately reflects their wishes. Trusts are one way for testators to pass along to their beneficiaries the assets they want them to have. If you’re creating an estate plan and are considering trusts,...
What characteristics should my estate executor have?
When beginning an estate plan, Louisiana residents have many decisions to make, such as naming people as heirs for their assets, creating trusts and the like. One of the most important decisions involves who to name as the executor of a will. In addition to asking...
The importance of staying on top of your beneficiary designations
All Louisiana residents can benefit from estate planning to leave assets to their loved ones. At the very least, it’s wise to create a will, a trust, and appoint someone as your power of attorney to prepare for the future. It’s also crucial to pay attention to your...
Estate planning tips for singles in Louisiana
It's common for single Louisiana residents to skip out on estate planning until the last minute. Estate plans are typically created for the older generation to pass down their belongings to their children or grandchildren. But, as a single individual, you may not have...
How your estate plan can protect you if you become incapacitated
Wills and trusts, the best-known parts of estate planning, mostly control what will happen to your assets after you pass away. That is a vital part of estate planning, but it's not the only thing you can do with it. A comprehensive estate plan can also give you...
Considerations when talking to your family about your estate plan in Louisiana
If you've been thinking about having a comprehensive estate plan in Louisiana, one of the essential aspects is talking to your family about what you have in mind. However, that's not to say that having an estate planning conversation with your loved ones will be easy,...
What not to do when updating an estate plan
Creating an estate plan may be an effective way to manage your affairs. However, it's just as important to review and update your plan on a regular basis after it is created. Otherwise, it's possible that assets such as a car or Louisiana home might revert to your...